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Our Leaders


Sheridyn & Jan Rodgers

Sheridyn and Jan are senior ministers at Activate Church Hamilton. They have a passion to see people connected with Jesus and walking in the fullness He's always intended. John 10:10 is a verse on which they base their passion to help people live life to the full. Pastors Sheridyn and Jan love serving together, and they have two sons.


Michael Brown

Pastor Michael is a minister at Activate Church Hamilton. He has led churches in the Acts Movement for 30 years and loves journeying with people in their faith walk and seeing God’s truth set them free. Michael and his wife Gillian have two adult children and two grandchildren.


Simon Moetara

Pastor Simon is one of our ministers at Activate Church Hamilton. He has been part of this church family ever since he began following Jesus more than 30 years ago. Simon is married to Rachel and they have three wonderful children.


Luke Rodgers

Pastor Luke oversees the staff at Activate Church Hamilton and general operations at Activate Ruakura. He previously served as Creative Director for Activate Church for seven years and continues to lead the vision, direction, and creation of Activate Music. Luke longs to see people on fire for God and be obedient to what He's called them to. He loves spending time with his wife Maria and their baby daughter, Eleora, and has a deep passion for producing music that reaches people in every environment.

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Stephen & Tyra Hart

Stephen and Tyra lead Activate Tuakau. They've been serving in different ministries for over 12 years and have a deep, shared desire to see people come to know God and know themselves in Him. They long to see a revival in their lifetime that will spark long-lasting transformation in communities. Outside of ministry, Stephen loves a good op shop and being creative with a camera, and Tyra enjoys walks in the park, and writing (plus singing) songs.


Jay & Nikita Rodgers

Jay and Nikita lead Activate Rototuna North. Jay and Nikita have a young daughter Gigi, and they have been serving in ministry roles for over 6 years, including leading youth and church gatherings. With strong prophetic and evangelistic giftings, they love to facilitate spaces for God to connect with people, and they love to help them be set free and walk closely with Jesus.


Josh & Kayla Duckett

Josh and Kayla lead our 9am gatherings at Activate Ruakura. Josh and Kayla have four awesome children. They love seeing people connected and transformed through the Gospel and are passionate about loving God and loving others. They are both creative and enjoy DIY activities like sewing and aeromodelers, as well as spending time in nature.


Adam & Keeley Jones

Adam and Keeley lead our 10:30am gatherings at Activate Ruakura. Adam also leads Activate Youth and is motivated to lead young people towards God's unwavering love. He grew up in Waikato and studied engineering at the University of Waikato. Keeley is a school teacher, and together they have a passion for serving the church and helping people see Jesus.


Monique Woolerton

Monique leads our 6pm gatherings at Activate Ruakura. Her heart is to see people getting equipped, stepping out in faith, and deepening their relationship with God. Monique enjoys spending time with family and friends, hiking, and reading with a good cuppa at hand.

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