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My Signs, Wonders and Miracles

Written by

Jay Rodgers

About author

Jay Rodgers is recognised as an Evangelist on our FiveFold team. As such, he helps to prepare and encourage the church to do God's work as we all grow in unity and maturity as disciples of Christ. Jay leads Activate Church Rototuna North along with his wife Nikita.

God is a God of miracles… That’s not just a cliché statement to me. It’s as real and concrete as the chair I’m sitting on as I reflect on what God has done in and through my life.


I have prayed for many people since I was 14 years old and have seen incredible healings; from sore backs relieved, to deaf ears opened. From tumours miraculously falling out of a man's nose, to broken legs being completely repaired instantly. These miracles were incredible - they were mind-blowing!


I’ve even seen God’s healing in my own body when He healed my feet when a visiting prophet Steve McCracken prayed for me in the kitchen of my house at 13 years old.


All of these miracles have been incredible and all praise goes to God for them, but the greatest miracle I have seen in my life is seeing people accept Jesus into their lives as Lord and Saviour. Why? Because they were walking towards an eternity in hell without God… But when they accepted and found Jesus, they are now walking towards an eternity in Heaven with God.


A few years ago, I remember being at a hotel where I was staying for a few nights, and there was a bellhop who was consistently at the door every time I entered and left the hotel. God placed him on my heart and I desperately wanted to see this man find Jesus. Every time I passed him, I’d shake his hand and say “God loves you and has an amazing plan for your life”. He would often reply with, “Thank you sir”. On the last day of my stay, I checked out of the hotel and found him at the door again. I went and had one last chat with him and discovered that every time I talked with him, it planted a seed - God was revealing himself to this man. He knelt at the entrance of the hotel and gave his life to Jesus - his eternity CHANGED. That is a miracle.


When people accept Jesus, I know their lives on this side of heaven will also change for the better. While being a Christian doesn’t stop us experiencing hard things in our lives, we don’t have to walk through those challenges alone.


Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

We have to open our mouths and talk about Jesus. The Gospel is the good news - people need good news! Every time you talk to someone about Jesus, is one more person who could step off the path towards hell and step onto the path towards heaven and a more vibrant and peaceful life on Earth. What do you want your legacy to look like when you’re in heaven? Will anyone be there because of your obedience?


You see, there is only one thing that we can take to heaven with us from earth. It’s not your car, it’s not money, it’s not your career… it’s people! 


I don't know about you, but I want to be welcomed into heaven by many people who are there because I got out of my comfort zone for a few seconds and told them about Jesus and BOOM, they meet God because of it. 


Romans 1:14-15 says,

“I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”.


Just like Paul, I pray that this will be a reality for us all; that we will have a sense of obligation to the people around us to share the gospel! And I pray that we will not be ashamed of the gospel. God, give us revelation of who you are and what Jesus did on the cross for us so that we would be so on fire for you that we can’t keep our mouths shut!


If you want to see the greatest miracles, start or keep telling people about Jesus! Every seed matters. Every person matters. I can’t wait to hear your stories about telling the world around you about Jesus. You’ve got this.

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